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Andre Randrianirina
3. Feb. 20231 Min. Lesezeit
January 2023, a column press machine for the stove production
To make the production of clay stove easy and a bit mechanized, Betombo made a column press machine that works with two car jacks. He...
69 Ansichten2 Kommentare

Andre Randrianirina
24. Dez. 20223 Min. Lesezeit
AJPER 2022, highlight of our achievements
January 2022: Tree planting in Andalamengoke Planting trees in Zombitse, Sakaraha with the help of the women association. We also taught...
97 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Andre Randrianirina
5. Dez. 20222 Min. Lesezeit
Julian Spratte from Biopellet in Fianarantsoa, Madagascar
Finally, Julian made it to Madagascar and to Fianarantsoa. After few years of cooperation, Julian Spratte, ... just call him Julian is...
95 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Andre Randrianirina
16. Nov. 20222 Min. Lesezeit
AJPER, exhibition of our products at the University of Andrainjato
Date: Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th November 2022 Place: E–atiala Andrainjato Event: Business forum day AJPER :...
56 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Andre Randrianirina
14. Nov. 20227 Min. Lesezeit
Trip of AJPER to Ankarimbelo, through the "jungle" of the rainforest
From Friday 21st to Wednesday 25th, October 2022 Participants: 25 malagasy and german group Reported by Randrianirina André PURPOSES OF...
112 Ansichten0 Kommentare

13. Okt. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
Welcome to Ajper: Leo, Paulina and Fabio!
Today we are happy to welcome three german IT-students who will contribute to our project: Leonard Kaluza, Paulina Gagaik and Fabio...
29 Ansichten0 Kommentare

30. Sept. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
Film shoot for Deutsche Welle about Ajper's work on stove and pellet- production
Today we had a film shoot for a small documentary format by Deutsche Welle about how Ajper tries to protect the Malagasy rainforest.
18 Ansichten0 Kommentare

5. Sept. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
Group meeting with part of our german team
We are happy to welcome Jobina Diez and Lina Zacher from the german team to Ajper.
9 Ansichten0 Kommentare

8. Aug. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
40 pyrolyse stoves are finished!
Ajper manufactures 40 pyrolyse stoves that got ordered by donators during the Crowdfunding. They will be soon given to 40 Malagasy families!
3 Ansichten0 Kommentare

5. Juli 20221 Min. Lesezeit
Arrival of BioPelletsEnergy director Jörn Lutat in Madagascar
We are very happy to warmly welcome Mr. Lutat to AJPER!
39 Ansichten0 Kommentare

30. Juni 20221 Min. Lesezeit
AJPER at the Youth Summit in Antsirabe
We presented our projects at the Youth Summit in Antsirabe.
7 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Andre Randrianirina
3. Juni 20221 Min. Lesezeit
AJPER Association meets the community
Last Saturday 28 May 2022, AJPER members went to Andrainjato Est, a small commune located in the East of Fianarantsoa, close to...
31 Ansichten0 Kommentare

15. Mai 20221 Min. Lesezeit
Campus Event at Hochschule Düsseldorf
We presented our Bio-Pellets-Initiative at the Campusfest of the University Düsseldorf. Thanks to everyone for the great support! Full...
6 Ansichten0 Kommentare

18. März 20221 Min. Lesezeit
A feature about our Bio-Pellet-Project on Radio Okerwelle
Ajper members Safidy and Lina were invited by Radio Okerwelle to talk about their initiative Follow live on:
10 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Andre Randrianirina
16. März 20222 Min. Lesezeit
Food donation for the victims of the cyclone Batsirai in Marokarima, Mananjary
Date of the trip: March 11 to March 14, 2022. Marokarima is a village within the Mananjary district, in the south east of Madagascar, one...
48 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Andre Randrianirina
10. März 20221 Min. Lesezeit
One member one basic stove
This March, AJPER's objective is to make one basic stove per member. Some members have been starting their part and did such a great job!...
8 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Andre Randrianirina
2. März 20221 Min. Lesezeit
New members at AJPER, learning how to make basic 2 and clay stoves
The principal mission of AJPER is to make and spread as many economic stoves as we can to save the forest in our regions and in...
27 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Andre Randrianirina
25. Feb. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
Tree planting in Andalamengoke, Zombitse 2022
AJPER group left Fianarantsoa on Saturday 29 January 2022, to join Andalamengoke where we used to have our annual tree planting. We...
26 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Andre Randrianirina
4. Jan. 20225 Min. Lesezeit
AJPER, 2021 in review
January 2021 Period: Monday 18th to Saturday 23rd, January 2021 This year, AJPER continued to plant trees in Andalamengoke. We were 32...
34 Ansichten0 Kommentare

1. Jan. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
Successful Crowdfunding!
Thank you! Dankeschön! Misaotra! We have made it! Check it out!!!
6 Ansichten0 Kommentare
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