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green energy pellets

a sustainable alternative to charcoal

Support us

How you can get involved

Become a volunteer

Are you an engineer, educator or environmentalist? Become part of our team! Here in Madagascar or via correspondence from your home country....

Just get in contact with us and we will find the best way how you can support our team through your skills!



You want to support us financially because you think it's important what we do? Great! Here you can find our bank account

You can donate for a specific project or for AJPER's work in general. Through LHL (Lernen Helfen Leben) we will be able to give you a donation certificate.


You can donate here:

Donate for AJPER


Share our cause

You want to share our story with your friends? Spread the news about our association ......share the long of our website on facebook, twitter or instagram......

This is our facebook page:

AJPER Facebook

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