Who we are
The board of AJPER

Romain Rabearisoa
Founder of AJPER
Safidiharizo Amdriambeloniana
leader of the green energy pellets project

Lina Zacher
Video and Media
Xavier Randriamiadana
leader of the educational program
Tojo Michel Andrinirainy
Founder of AJPER
AJPER is a youth association for the Promotion of Renewable Energy and for the conservation of biodiversity. With our projects we try to create real solutions against the serious threat of deforestation and global warming. Our goal is to protect the environment and to preserve the rich and unique biodiversity in our country.

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What we do
To help protect the environment of Madagascar, it’s unique biodiversity and to fight against the global problem of the accelerating climate change, AJPER has developed an
educational program to inform about ways to protect our nature through the introduction of new agricultural methods and the reforestation of bare land
educational program
economic stove
which decreases the charcoal needed for daily cooking and minimizes the deforestation for charcoal production
economic stove
green energy pellets
a burnable material pressed out of gras as an alternative and more sustainable resource to finally replace the environmental harmful charcoal
our green energy pellets
How you can help
Only together we can tackle the global threat of the accelerating climate change through deforestation in Madagascar and all over the world!

Are you an engineer, educator or environmentalist and want to volunteer in our team?
Do you want to support us financially?
Or you just want to share our projects with your friends?
Why we do what we do?
As in many other parts of the world, Madagascar experiences a massive decrease of its forest. Over 90% of primary forest has been destroyed through illegal logging, mining - but most significant through bushfires and the slash and burn practice for agriculture and charcoal production.