Educational program

green energy pellets
a sustainable alternative to charcoal

Why do we produce the "green energy pellets" or "biobirquette"?
In Madagascar, more than 98% of Malagasy households use charcoal and fire wood for daily cooking. Charcoal is originally made out of eucalyptus trees. The eucalyptus of Madagascar is not native but introduced in the 1890s for wood of construction and also for charcoal.
Usually, people do not cut native trees for charcoal. However, since the forest of eucalyptus couldn't supply the demand of the population in charcoal, they turned to use native species of trees from the native forests of Madagascar. This situation is alarming because it threatens the habitats of the endemic fauna and flora of Madagascar. In scale of 10 years, a forest called Ialatsara, in Ambohimahasoa is destroyed for charcoal. The secondary forest of Sahavondronina, Ranomafana is gone to dust because of charcoal.
The production process of the green energy pellets
step by step

Because of this alarming situation, AJPER has founded itself to bring a sustainable solution to stop the use of charcoal from wood by proposing a new alternative of fuel called " bio briquette" or "green energy pellet".
The "bio briquette" is made out of grass press through very high pressure to get pellets. Those pellets will be used with a special stove that is also produced by AJPER.
What are the benefits of the "green energy pellets"?
-The use of the green energy pellets decreases the charcoal production and therefore protects the forests of Madagascar
- Households can save money for food or something else instead of spending it for expensive charcoal
- Reduction of bush fire since the grass will be turned into the "green energy pellets" or "bio briquette"