Date of the trip: March 11 to March 14, 2022.

Marokarima is a village within the Mananjary district, in the south east of Madagascar, one of the small villages that were destroyed by the cyclone Batsirai in February. AJPER with its partners donated rice and beans for 220 households in Marokarima to help them during this difficult time. The donation will be enough for one week. «Even, it is only a small drop on a hot plate, it is so important" M. Hans Grieb said! Yes, exactly, because the breadfruits trees, jackfruit, litchis, banana trees, rice field and other agriculture are destroyed by the wind and the flood. The chef Fokotany and the Ampanjaka (notable) in Marokarima said that it would take 5 years to recover from the disaster.
There are other small villages that are destroyed and need urgent help. However, we could only donate for Marokarima.

I hereby send my gratitude to the members of AJPER. Despite the conditions (dirt road), they showed their determination to help the community of Marokarima. We had to push and pull our cars during 8 hours for only 09 km of dirt road.
Here are some pictures of the adventure.
To watch our video, please go to:
Thank you M. Romain for your leadership
Thank you all members for your active participation
Thank you the drivers for your vigilance
Thank you Gabrielle, for the donation and your active participation
Thank you the Christian group at the Church of Düsseldorf for the donation
Thank you all partners that contributed directly or indirectly to this donation.
Karima is a small knife which farmers cut the stalk of their rice with. Marokarima, litteraly means, many karima because before, this area had large rice fields.
