January 2022: Tree planting in Andalamengoke
Planting trees in Zombitse, Sakaraha with the help of the women association.
We also taught the women association how to make the basic 2.
February 2022: Planting trees in Alakamisy Ambohimaha
AJPER was invited by Magali, our local partner and also a member to plant trees in her land in Alakamisy.
After the tree planting, AJPER visited a rocky mountain where an ancient Hebrew inscriptions were written on the north side of its cliff.
March 2022: Trip to Marokarima, Mananjary for food donation after the Cyclone Batsiray
After the passage of Batsirai, many small villages were ravaged by the violent wind and rain. AJPER decided to donate for Marokarima, a village located in Mananjary. We shared rice, beans, sugar and salt for 200 households.
The weather was bad but w could do it.
March, April, May, June 2022
We made basic 2, but we also made clay stoves. Every member had to learn how to make AJPER stoves.
April 2022: Arrival of the tables and chairs from Mr Michael Brown, Germany
Mr Michael sent us tables and chairs through Mr Eric Voyame and ADES. AJPER kept some that we use at our meeting room, but some are given to:
- Beravina Lutheran School
- Hope for the Future project in Ambalakely ( Hasina's project)
- A school in Toliara
May 2022: AJPER Innovation was founded
In collaboration with Biopellet project, AJPER Innovation was officially created to commercialize the biopellet that will be produced in Andalamengoke. It is a SARL with 5 shareholders.
It has its office at the current AJPER Association's address.

June 2023: AJPER was invited by CRS for a youth Summit in Antsirabe
It was an opportunity for AJPER to let all the participants what we do for the environment.
July 2022: Mr Joern Lutat from Biopellet visited Madagascar

AJPER made the pyrolysis stoves for biopellet in July and August. Technically, manufacturing the pyrolysis stove model was a challenge for our technicians but they proudly made it happen.
Mr Lutat brought one simple pyrolysis stove to Germany and Mr Richard tested it in person.

September 2022: AJPER visited the tree planting site in Andrainjato Est and taught basic 2 to women association
We taught and shared prefabricated basic 2 to women association in Andrainjato Est.
September, October and November 2022: Series of visits of our friends and partners from Germany
In september, we received our friends from Germany. Lina, Safidy, Jobinnah visited AJPER. Lina was here to take videos for Deutch Welle tv and also to interview us on our future plans with the biopellet.

Safidy was starting his tree nursery project in Ambohimahasoa.

While in Fianarantsoa, Safidy helped testing the pyrolysis stove at AJPER's workshop.
Jobina as well was visiting us and talked about her experiences in Madagascar and also our possible cooperation.
The three German students: Paulina, Fabio and Leo as well came in October to conduct researches for their Master degree thesis. We made tests together at the workshop, went to the jungle, and also went to Andalamengoke. The objective of their study was to set up models for AJPER Innovation and Biopellet for the future commercialization of the biopellet.

October 2022: Trip to Ambohimahamasina and to Ankarimbelo
I blog about it has been published so please refer to that by clicking on this link: https://ajper-association.wixsite.com/ajper/post/trip-of-ajper-to-ankarimbelo-through-the-jungle-of-the-rainforest
During the trip, we were teaching local women association in Ambohimahamasina the basic 2, our efficient cook stove.
November and December 2022: Julian Spratte and his friends came to Madagascar for the foundation of the concrete basement where the biopellet plant will be installed in Andalamengoke.

Other important activities of AJPER
AJPER were invited to display its products and services to public.

AJPER's plan in 2023
In 2023, AJPER is planning to promote the use of basic 2 among households in rural villages within Fianarantsoa and in other key villages in the south of Madagascar.

We also will continue to produce our clay stoves for charcoal that we will sell at the local market of Anjoma, Fianarantsoa.

AJPER will help Biopellet and AJPER Innovation to set up for the development of the biopellet plant and the commercialization of the products. We also will produce the pyrolysis stoves.

Depending on the financial situation, we also plan to continue our annual tree planting in Andalamengoke and in Andrainjato Est in 2023.

To improve our internal revenue, AJPER is planning to open an outside cafeteria " AJPER Kafé" at our workshop in the campus of Ambalapaiso, Fianarantsoa. We have built the foundation of the place where we are going to serve our clients.

Along with this, we also would like to provide small printing service for the students of the Campus.
We hereby would like to thank all of our partners that made this happen:
German partners:
- Group Grieb
- Biopellet Project
- Church of Dusseldorf
- Mr Michael Braun
- AJPER's friends
Malagasy Partners:
- Zombitse Ecolodge
- Tealongo association
- CMG of Fara and Justin
